Category: Blog

The Influence of Punk on Music Art and Graphic Design

The punk movement of the 70s influenced not just the music scene, but also the visual worlds of art and graphic design. The art featured a do-it-yourself approach, reflecting the anti-establishment sentiments of the rough, unrefined rock music popular at that time. These designs exude a sense of rawness in the overall look or in the […]

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The New Era of YouTube Music Classification

YouTube has taken the world by storm. There is no denying it. But YouTube is not just a bunch of funny videos of people falling over or babies laughing. There is a whole world of music videos on YouTube that has changed the way we hear and classify music. For a long time, we’ve had […]

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The Problem With

If millennials are the “me” generation — complacent narcissists raised by TV, video games, and hardworking baby boomer parents with extra money to spend — then generation Z is surely the “meta-me” generation. Millennials are indeed, as a group, self-obsessed. We went through our teenage years and early adulthood with things like MySpace or Facebook, […]

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The Man Is Bringing Us Down

I recently read this article and man it gave me a lot of food for thought. This guy has it nailed, music used to be about passion and about feelings, a way of expressing deep seated emotions, horrors that we saw or that we lived through. It didn’t matter who you were, you had this […]

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The Death of Music Videos: Are We Near The End of an Era?

Video Killed the Radio Star – this song was among the first wave of music videos featured on MTV when it was launched in 1981. Fast forward to 2016, MTV, as many would agree, is almost dying. While it used to be the go-to channel for listening to music and watching videos, times have changed. […]

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