Google Keeps a Record of Your Voice – Find Out How to Delete It

by Paul Chiten

If you’re using Google Voice Search, Google has a record of you. In fact, you can listen to all the recordings of your searches over the past few years.  Google has been secretly collecting this sort of conversation whenever people utilize their product.  Google Voice search allows people to use the search function using their voice.  Google stores this file and uses it to enhance the language recognition feature and the search results.

Listen and Delete Your Google Voice Search Recordings

Despite the fact that Google quietly collects these conversations, there is also a way to listen to, and delete, your recordings.  You only need to visit a page wherein you will find the accumulated information that Google collected on you.  Simply go directly to the history page of Google and take a look at the list of the recordings.  Basically, there are two pages concerning this, one contains the audio file of your voice search, and the other contains your online activity.

This new feature of Google was launched last June of 2015.  This means that if you are not aware of it, it may probably be full of information about your online activity and behavior.  Some of this info you may want to keep private––and so should deleted immediately.  Although some people treat this audio recording as a form of diary that reminds them about an assortment of situations and places that you have been through.  However, it may contain some private information as well.

Upon going to the history page of Google, you will be welcomed on a page where you are allowed to listen to these recordings.  You will also get an insight into how Google records your conversations and what app are they using to record it.  Sometimes a transcription is included.  The most essential reason to visit this site is to delete the information collected on you by Google.  Tick the box and delete it.  There’s also an option to delete all of the files with just one command.  You can also manually choose the date of a message and delete it.

If you want to stop Google from recording or collecting information about you, you can turn off your virtual assistant, or you can choose to never use the Google Voice search.  However, turning it off will prevent Google from providing you with a tailored search.  This may present you unrelated results that are not associated with your search criteria. So it’s up to you to weigh the benefits of having a tailored search result over the risk of leaving an audio recording of your voice.

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